We cover a number of issues related to abuse of power, the energy issue, sustainability, climate policy and how pursued policy affects the countryside.

We start by commenting on the EU election and that Sweden does not even have 3% of the seats in Parliament. The parliament is not the highest organ in the EU and lacks the right to formulate laws. Moreover, the decision-making process is extremely complicated.

The tax rules for parliamentarians and EU officials mean, as we have explained before, millions of tax-free crowns during a term in office.

Lars Bern comments that the politicians before the EU election could not say anything about what climate measures cost or if they do anything positive at all.

One consequence of climate measures is that we will have a shortage of electricity in Stockholm, Gothenburg, etc. The metro extension is threatened by a shortage of electricity. The government has also increased the tax on electricity from cogeneration plants so that several of these are planned to be shut down, which will increase the electricity shortage.

Lars comments on the Environmental Party's requirement for compulsory solar cells on new buildings.

He believes that the government has ensured that the electricity supply is controlled in a planned economy that, as experience shows, never works. This also means that the government is entirely responsible.

Wind power has a strong subsidy provided by other types of power, which means that these become less profitable or even unprofitable. Wind power is completely unprofitable if you count subsidies and include costs from other power sources that need to be maintained.

Government officials should plainly address the electricity situation, but Lars Bern believes that government departments have become so politicised that their officials dare not speak out for fear of job loss.

We comment on the interview with Karl Hedin, who says that departments have been populated with activists who do not follow the law. Lars Bern confirms this illustrates his image of the department working with foodstuffs. These are controlled to a large extent by vegans.

German wind power kills 1200 tons of insects annually. Insect populations have fallen globally by 75% since 1990. Lars Bern believes that although the main cause of insect death are industrial agriculture and its toxins, wind power is anything but sustainable.

It has emerged that the sustainability index favours banks but disadvantages industry, which confirms our previous discussions on how the sustainability index risks leading to malinvestment.

We turn to the Bilderberg meeting to which Johan Rockström has been invited. Lars Bern believes that this is proof that they are not interested in the actual climate situation because they had then invited a serious climate scientist. Rockström is not a researcher, but a lobbyist.

Plastic bags have become a significant cash cow for retail. By focusing on climate considerations, the price of bags has gradually been raised with no customer backlash.

The Moderates' collaboration with the MP in Stockholm has led to the road dilapidation. The climate focus has also allowed all kinds of electric vehicles to run on the pedestrian pathways with consequent risk of injury.

The climate focus also means ignoring the safety of young children who are placed in a small box in front of a bike, more or less completely unprotected.

Politicians want a special legislation regarding crimes against politicians, which Lars Bern considers to be outrageous. We must, according to Lars, have the same laws for all citizens. The proposal reveals a flaw in thinking.

We conclude by discussing the school revolt in Luleå's rural area and show a clip of Anna-Mi Svedjekrans who has even recorded a special song about it, available on our website under 'submitted clips'. She has previously been successful in "Idol". We also show a clip from their demonstrations.


Song by Anna Mi:

Her transmitter;

Decision-making process in the EU: https://europa.eu/european-union/eu-l...

Tax rules EU staff https://www4.skatteverket.se/rattslig...


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